Jo Jo Rabbit: Political Statement or Farcical Fantasy?

9/10 The marketing of this film is very obviously ramping up the shock factor. Suggesting that the movie was in some way risky or daring and made an out-there political statement. I don’t believe this was Taika Waititi’s intention when writing the film and I think it is a response to this marketing that hasContinue reading “Jo Jo Rabbit: Political Statement or Farcical Fantasy?”

Amistad: Underrated

7.5/10 Armistad, which ironically means friendship in Spanish, chronicles the true story of a group of people from Sierra Leone, who were illegally sold into slavery. The action largely takes place in a courtroom in America as lawyers argue about their status as slaves. It is a visibly lower budget film that one would haveContinue reading “Amistad: Underrated”